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grammar - general

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time does school start? What time does school end?
School starts at .............. and finishes at ................. .
Name 5 important places in your neighborhood
In which year were you born?
I was born in .......
Tell the directions to the nearest hospital
Tell the directions from your house to your school
Name the uncountables
a jug of milk, slices of bread and a wedge of cheese
what is the time?
It's half past seven.
What is the time?
It's a quarter past 7.
What is the date tomorrow?
Tomorrow is the ........
What do you do in your free time?
I ......
Where is the Toy Store?
It's ......
Where is the Supermarket?
it's ....
What is he doing?
He is climbing up the ladder
What is he doing?
He is walking across the road.
Where is the apple?
The apple is in between the boxes
Where is the train going?
The train is going into the tunnel
Whose Teddy is this?
It's hers.
What did you do today in the morning?
I .......
What did you have for breakfast?
I had ....
Name the uncountable items in this basket (there are 5)
a carton of eggs, a bottle of oil, a bunch of bananas, bottle of milk and a loaf of bread
Describe the weather in the picture
It's cold and stormy. The wind is very strong.
Describe the weather in the picture
It's bright and sunny.
What is the weather like today?
Today is ........
What are the seasons in Sri Lanka? What is the season now?
The Dry Season and The Wet Season
Who is stronger?
Hulk is stronger than Wonderwoman
Who is younger?
The boy is younger than the old lady.
What does your mother do in her free time?
she ......
what do you do on Mondays?
I ......
what's the date today?
Today is the ..........
when is your birthday?
My birthday is on the ............
who is the tallest in your family? Who is the quietest in your family?
............. is the tallest and ......................... is the quietest.
How many ....... ?
there are/is ....
what are some of the sports available in your school?
we have tennis .....
If you could have a pet, what would you like to have? why?
i would like to have a dog because .....
describe what your best friend looks like
she is fair, tall, talkative, smart ....
what are some of the things you do in this room?
we watch TV, entertain guests....
what do you like to do in your free time?
I like to .....
where is the pencil?
it's on the book.
who does this shirt belong to?
It's his.
what time do you wake up in the morning?
I wake up at .....
what did you do yesterday?
I ....