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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is ________________ person in your family? I think Sam. He is only 5.
the youngest
That hat doesn´t suit you at all. It´s _______________ than this beautiful cap you have.
Julia works for 15 hours a day. She is _________________ person in her family.
the most hardworking
The snail is ______________ animal in the world.
the slowest
Jeff Bezos is ________________ person in the world. He owns a fortune.
the richest/the wealthiest
John is ___________ than his sister. He weighs 89 kilos while she only weighs 67.
This salad is _______________ than yours. You should taste it.
more delicious
Your room is really a mess. You should clean it before your mother arrives. It´s ____________ than your brother´s.
Peter is much ________________ than Antonio. He is very nice and kind to everyone.
Fruit and vegetables are ____________________ foods you can eat.
the healthiest
Which do you think it´s ________________ team in the world?
the best
Seville is _____________ than Toledo. That´s for sure. Today it´s over 35 degrees.
There is hardly water in this well. The water level is ___________ than this lake.
In Moscow it´s -25 degrees. I think it´s __________________ I have ever visited.
the coldest/the chilliest
How much did your watch? I think mine was ___________________. It cost 70 euros.
more expensive
Last film I saw was ____________ than this one. This one is super boring.
The cheetah is ________________ animal in the world.
the fastest/the quickest
Patrick is ____________ than his brother. He works more hours.
more tired/more exhausted
My aunt Suzanne is _____________ at Maths than my uncle.
Silvia is _____________ than her sister Mary. She passed two degrees in just five years.
smarter/more intelligent
Who´s ___________________ person in your family? Your grandfather?
the oldest
Toledo is ___________ than Soria.
Your suitcase is much _________ than mine. It weighs 35 kgs.
Julian is ___________ (short) than his sister
What is the ______________ (far) point from here?