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6th grade NS U2 Living things and their environm ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are 6 ways humans cause harm and imbalance in ecosystems?
depletion of resources, endangered species, pollution, introduction of non-native species, occupation of territory, accumulation of waste
Humans can be harmful and create________ in many ecosystems.
Which is more complex: a food chain or food web?
A food web
What type of relationship do food chains show?
a linear relationship of how living things feed on each other
What are food chains and webs?
Diagrams that use arrows to show how nutrients circulate through a group of living things in an ecosystem
To survive, living things have _______.
How do decomposers obtain their nutrition?
They decompose the remains of living things
What type of nutrition do consumers exhibit?
What type of nutrition do producers exhibit?
How can we represent feeding relationships?
through food chains and webs
What are the most important relationships in an ecosystem?
the feeding or trophic relationships
Relationships are in balance if__________.
they remain stable
What is biocoenosis?
the community of living things that live in it
What is biotope?
the physical conditions of an ecosystem
What forms an ecosystem?
a place and its physical conditions (biotope), the community of living things that lives in it (biocoenosis) and the relationships between them.