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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Dad fox do at dusk?
Dad fox hunts at dusk.
Where do skunks live?
Skunks live in the forest.
What are baby foxes called?
Baby foxes are called kits.
Where do foxes live?
Foxes live in the forest.
What do ants do?
Ants dig under sand and grass.
Where do ants live?
Ants live in the forest.
Where do wasps live?
Wasps live in the trunk.
The mom gets ______ _______.
The mom gets big bugs.
What lives in the trees?
Birds live in the trees.
Where do rabbits live?
Rabbits live in the grass.
Where is the rabbit?
It is in the grass.
What do deer eat?
Deer eat plants.
Where do deer live?
Deer live in the forest.
Lots of ____________ live in the forest.
Lots of animals live in the forest.