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Digestive System

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It refers to the standard measurement based on the nutritional needs.
Serving size
It is a sore or painful wound in the lining of the stomach and small intestine.
Peptic Ulcer
These are stones that build up in the gallbladder.
It occurs when the acid from the stomach flows back to esophagus.
Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD)
It is characterized by a compact, dry and hard stool.
It is a kind of ailment that is characterized by loose and watery stool.
It is a storage site of feces before it is eliminated.
It is a solid mass of undigested food that came out from the body.
These are the folds in the lining of the small intestine that helps absorption process.
It is a J-shaped muscular sac that digests and temporarily stores food.
It is a ball of partially digested food.
Other term for chewing the food.
The rhythmic, involuntary contraction of smooth muscles during digestion process.
The physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces is called?
Mechanical Digestion
What are the parts of accessory organs?
pancreas, liver, gallbladder and salivary glands
What are the parts of Alimentary Canal?
mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
This process will happen when the nutrient molecules from the food you eat pass through the wall of digestive system into your blood.
It refers to the breakdown of food into small molecules that can be used by the body.
The process of putting food into your mouth.
It is a collection of organs that breaks down food into energy.
Digestive System