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Who is the bad character?
Other Mother
Did Wybie have a motorcycle?
Does Coraline's school have uniforms?
In the beginning of the movie, what world did Coraline like better?
Another World
What did the cat say when Coraline said, "You need to be another cat?"
"I am not another. I am me."
What does Coraline call her doll?
Little Me
Who is spying on Coraline?
Coraline's doll
What do Coraline's parents do for work?
They make a garden magazine.
What did Miss Forcible see in the cup of tea?
She saw a giraffe.
What kind of slippers does Coraline's Other Dad have?
monkey slippers
True or False: Wybie is a really really weird child.
Who is the Other Mother?
She is Wybie's grandma's sister.
What can't the other Wybie do?
He can't talk.
What is Coraline's friend's name?
What is the main character's first and last name?
Coraline Jones
In the graphic novel, what is the name of the man upstairs?
Mr. Bobo
Neil Gaiman started the book for Holly, but who did he finish it for?
Maddy, Allison, Sloane, and Ivy