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Phonics Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When would you use -ck?
one syllable, short vowel words that end with /k/
In what order would you mark the word 'quiz' ?
arc the qu, then x the i
If a word ends in double s, double z, or x...do you use s or es?
What does plural mean?
more than one
crosss or crosses?
Why are they called special vowel combinations?
Because they can change the sound of the vowel
Why do you double the f in the word fluff?
one syllable word ending with s, f, or z
How would you mark the word strip?
arc str and x the i
Would you use a c or a k if the vowel is a u?
If the vowel is an i, would you use a c or a k?
What symbol represents a nonsense word?
asterick *
Which blends can be in the beginning, middle, or end of words?
s blends
What sound does /q/ make?
no sound
What does every word HAVE to have to make it a word?
a vowel
Tell me 2 consonants.
any consonant
Which vowel is missing? a, i, o, u
How many phonemes are in the word bricks?
How many syllables are in the word adjective?
What is a noun?
person, place, thing
What do adjectives describe?
the noun
What is the rule for phonetic skill 1?
one guardian consonant after the vowel, the vowel is short
What is the rule for phonetic skill 2?
2 guardian consonants after the vowel, the vowel is short
What is the rule for phonetic skill 3?
When a vowel stands alone at the end of a word, the vowel is long.
What is phonetic skill 4?
When a word ends with a silent e, the first vowel will be long
What is phonetic skill 5?
When vowels are adjacent, the second vowel is silent, and the first vowel is long.
What is one adjective that describes Ms. Hogan?
any describing word :)
What is one adjective to describe Mr. Goodman?
any describing word
What is wrong in this sentence? The Black dog ran so fast.
the b in black does not need to be capitalized.
What is wrong in this sentence? Yesterday I jumps on the trampoline.
jumped- happened in the past