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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I go shopping *at Angeloni supermarket*.
Where do you go shopping?
I go to the mall *with my friends*.
Who do you go to the movies with?
I play soccer *on Saturdays*.
When do you play soccer?
He eats out *on weekends*.
When does he eat out?
She drinks coffee *every day*.
When does she drink coffee?
I *drive* to work.
How do you go / get to school?
I *walk* to work.
How do you go / get to work?
He goes to the movies with *his girlfriend*.
Who does he go to the movies with?
Teacher Bruna works for *Talken English School*.
What company does teacher Bruna work for?
They work *in a hospital*.
Where do they work?
He works *at the airport*.
Where does he work?
I *go dancing* on Saturday night.
What do you do on Saturday night?
My mother's a *doctor*.
What does your mother do?
I exercise *at 9 A.M.*
When / What time do you exercise?
My best friend is a *flight attendant*.
What does your best friend do?
She studies English *because* she loves it.
Why does she study English?
My brother *takes a taxi* to the airport.
How does your brother go/get to the airport.