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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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is / Betty / never / rude
Betty is never rude.
We / breakfast / always / have / don't
We don't always have breakfast.
usually / bath / I / a / take / Saturday / every
I usually take a bath every Saturday.
always / you / your / do / the / in / bed / make / morning
Do you always make your bed in the morning?
eat / we / ice cream / winter / in / never
We never eat ice cream in winter.
sometimes / games / he /computer / plays
He sometimes plays computer games.
hands / dinner / always / wash / before /my / I
I always wash my hands before dinner.
What is this?
A witch.
What are these?
What is this?
A plate.
What is this?
A ship.
What is this?
An island.
What is this?
A ghost.
What is this?
A present.
What is this?
A stocking.
What is this?
A turkey.
What is this?
A pumpkin.
What is this?
A candle.
TV / they / usually / watch / don't / evening / the / in
They don't usually watch TV in the evening.
visit / we / our / often / grandparents
We often visit our grandparents.
are / they / school / for / sometimes / late
They are sometimes late for school.
doesn't / Tom / in / brush / always / teeth / morning / the / his
Tom doesn't always brush his teeth in the morning.
never / Mary / bed / late / goes / to
Mary never goes to bed late.