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Living things
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What kingdom does Yeast belong to?
The Fungi kingdom
Are fungi unicelluar, mutlicelluar, or both?
How do fungi feed?
Through absorption (they are decomposers)
Which kingdom do mushrooms belong to?
The Fungi Kingdom
What are the vital functions?
nutrition, reproduction, interaction
Name one characteristic of a living thing
It can grow, breathe, move, reproduce, use water/food, die
Name a non-living thing
Any object, for example: chair, car, computer etc.
Name a living thing
Anything such as animal, plant, human, cells
What is the difference between a living thing and a non-living thing?
The Cell. Living things are made of cells and non-living things are not.
What do you call an organism with many cells?
Animals are unicellular. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE! They are pluricellular.
The __________ controls the cell and contains all the genetic information.
____________ are the building blocks of life.
Scientists classify all living things into six kingdoms. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. 5 kingdoms!
Systems are made up of...
Animal cells and plant cells have exactly the same structure. TRUE OR FALSE?
All living things are made up of ___________.
What is it called when living things are made up of just one cell?
What is it called when living things are made up of many cells?
Living things are organized into groups called _____?
What are the five kingdoms?
Protist kingdom, Monera kingdom, Fungus Kingdom ,Plant kingdom ,Animal kingdom
What are the five kingdoms?
Protist kingdom, Monera kingdom, Fungus Kingdom, Plant kingdom, Animal kingdom