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Spot the Spelling Mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spot the mistake: I play football and basketball. I alsow play rugby
alsow should be also
Spot the mistake: I alwais drink coffee in the morning
alwais should be always
Spot the mistake: I wace hungry after the race
wace is was
Spot the mistake: That flower is very pritty
pritty should be pretty
Spot the mistake: Are you goin to the party?
goin should be going
Spot the mistake: I have a litle dog
litle = little
Spot two mistakes! I gow to school sow I can learn
gow and sow = go and so
Spot the mistake: I laft at the joke
laft is laughed
Spot the mistake: I ate waffles whith honey
whith should be with
Spot the mistake: Are class is 6C
are should be our
Spot the mistake: Were is France?
were is where
Spot the mistake: Wat do you want for breakfast
wat is what
Spot the mistake: I traid my hardest in the test
traid is tried
Spot the mistake: I really licke chocolate
licke is like