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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is possible that Maria didn't get your message. (MAY) Maria ....................... your message.
may not have got
We must leave early tomorrow morning, because the weather will get bad later on. (OUT) We need ..................... early tomorrow morning, because the weather will get bad later on.
to set out
Answering this email is not necessary. (NEED) You ............... this email.
don't need to answer
Someone is cleaning up our garden next week. (CLEANED) We ............... up next week.
are having our garden cleaned
He called the police last night. (CALL) He ................. to the police last night.
made a call
The boy says he doesn't know anything about the missing money. (CLAIMS) The boy ................... anything about the missing money.
claims not to know
Wearing a helmet is compulsory when you go roller skating. (HAVE) You ..................... a helmet when you go roller skating.
have to wear
Maybe you left your keys in the kitchen. (MIGHT) You ....................... your keys in the kitchen.
might have left
People think that church is over a century old. (THOUGHT) That church ...................... over a century old.
is thought to be
They must think of a better plan than that. (COME) They'll have ................... a better plan than that.
to come up with
I'm not going home in the rain. (UNTIL) I won't go home ................ raining.
until it stops
I read the instructions twice because I wanted to be certain that I understood them. (MAKE) I ............ that I understood the instructions, so I read them twice.
wanted to make sure