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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Show me your best dance move
Best dance move
5 jumping jacks
5 jumping jacks
What kinds of things can you talk about with your good friends?
Personal news: for example: What kinds of after school activities you're in or who your friends are.
You're at the park and a lady you've seen around but you don't know asks you what school you go to. How do you respond?
You ignore them and if your family is around, you tell them what happened. This is a STRANGER and you don't talk to strangers.
Something that made you sad happened today and you want to talk to someone about it. Who do you talk to?
CLOSE Family: Mom, Dad, brother or grandparents. You can talk to them about personal things and ask them for help
?What kind of things can you talk about with your neighbours?
Small talk like the weather, or sports.NOT private things like secrets.
You’re waiting for the bus after school and an adult that you don’t know very well walks up to you and tells you that your mom told them to pick up. What do you do?
Ignore them, WALK AWAY and talk to a teacher about what happened right away. You never go with anyone unless your parents say it’s ok
You’re feeling really upset because someone was mean to you at school today and you’re sitting outside and see the mailman, he asks what’s wrong. What do you do?
You would say nothing. The mailman is an acquaintance and this is a private feeling. You could talk to your parents about what is bothering you