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ELA 2 Conjunctions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: _____________ I finished my essay early, I still spent some time looking it over for errors.
Although/Even though
Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: She is _______ ________ smart ________ ________ really funny!
not only/but also
Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: You'll never know how good you are _______________ you don't try.
Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: Sally may look really thin, _______________ she's as strong as an ox.
Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: ______________ driving on vacation, I listen to my music.
Fill in the blank(s) with a proper conjunction: Because Grandpa doesn't like sports, he watches ______________ football ______________ basketball.
Identify the conjunction in the sentence: I had a snack this morning, for I woke up really hungry.
Which of the following is a subordinating conjunction: and, when, for, both
Identify the conjunction in the following. sentence: He wore a heavy jacket even though it's getting warmer out.
even though
A coordinating conjunction combines _____________________.
2 independent clauses or 2 complete sentences
Is the conjunction in the sentence coordinating, correlative, or subordinating: You can have both the apples and the caramel for your snack.
Identify the conjunction in the sentence: Since he arrived late to school again, he received a lunch detention.
Which type of conjunction begins a dependent clause: coordinating, correlative, or subordinating?
Is this conjunction coordinating, correlative, or subordinating: whenever
Is this conjunction coordinating, correlative, or subordinating: nor
Is this conjunction coordinating, correlative, or subordinating: both/and
Is this conjunction coordinating, correlative, or subordinating: until
Identify the conjunction in this sentence: Carlos studied for the test, and he passed it no problem!
Identify the conjunction in this sentence: My mom said I either have to go to school or get my shots at the doctor's office.
Identify the conjunction in this sentence: He will pick us up after I call him.