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Manor Hall

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is Milly and Tom´s new house?
It´s near the sea.
What did happen the first full moon night in the new house?
The Pirate and his ship disappeared from the picture.
Did Uncle Henry like the idea of taking the picture away?
Yes, he did
What was the children's idea?
They wanted to bring the picture to their new house.
When did the pirate die?
He died in 1850.
What is special in the picture? Choose the correct option. It´s boring. It´s magic. It´s new.
It´s magic.
What did happen the full moon´s night in the music room?
The Pirate came out from the picture.
Why they can´t go to the music room? Because It´s locked. Their uncle doesn´t want. It´s dark and dirty.
Because their uncle doesn´t want.
Where are the children?
They go to their uncle´s house.
Who are they?
They are Milly and Tom.