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Land Divisions

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Who is the newly elected Governor of Hawaii?
Josh Green
David Ige
Rick Blangiardi
Duke Aiona
What was the name of the song requested by Mr. Mitchell?
All Star
All Pro
All American
All World
What was the name of the song requested by Mr. Stange?
We Are The Champions
We Will Rock You
Bohemian Rhapsody
Don't Stop Me Now
What was the name of the song requested by Mrs. Van Matre?
I Ain't Worried
I Ain't Scared
I Ain't Mad
I Ain't Sad
What was the name of the song requested by Mrs. Pacheco?
Ocean Avenue
Hollywood Avenue
Station Avenue
Music Avenue
Halloween’s origins date back 2,000 years ago to the ancient Celtic festival called what?
Which U.S. government agency measures job market activity and working conditions?
Bureau of Labor Statics
What was the holiday today?
World Kindness Day
What number is Cubone on the Pokedex?
How many republicans won on our student election packet?
What does Maka’ainana mean?
What is the long name of LD4?
Kuleana Act of 1850
What is the long name of LD3?
March 1848 Division by Kamehameha
What is the long name of LD2?
Mahele of 1848
What is the long name of LD1?
Land Commission Proposal
LD stands for what in this unit?
Land Division
What is the "Kuleana Act of 1850" percentages?
King= 23%, Chiefs= 39%, Government= 37%, Maka’ainana= 1%
What is the "March 1848 Division by Kamehameha" percentages?
King= 23%, Chiefs= 40%, Government= 37%
What is the "Mahele of 1848" percentages?
King= 60%, Chiefs= 40%
What is the "Land Commission Proposal" percentages?
King= 33.3%, Chiefs= 33.3%, Maka’ainana= 33.3%
Foreigners wanted to build Expensive Homes and make large investments in the ___________ of land.
Foreigners wanted to build ____________ and make large investments in the Cultivation of land.
Expensive Homes
For the most part, Kamehameha II and III allowed their ____________ (lower ranking) chiefs to retain control of the lands they had controlled previously.
Government lands were used to build government buildings/ offices, roads, Schools, and _________.
Government lands were used to build government buildings/ offices, roads, _________, and Harbors.
When land was set aside for the chiefs, it had to be divided among _________ (number) chiefs.
The king set aside some lands to be kept by the king to provide places for the king to live and _____________________________.
Have income to support the king.
After Kamehameha the great died his ____________ (Next in Line) could also do what he wanted with the land.
Two reasons Kamehameha III switched to a new type of land system was because he wanted to encourage Long term investment in land development for agriculture and industry and ___________________________________.
The king were to fall on hard times or lose control to foreign powers.
Two reasons Kamehameha III switched to a new type of land system was because he wanted to encourage ________________________________________________ and partly to ensure that even if The king were to fall on hard times.
Long term investment in land development for agriculture and industry
The foreigners were reluctant or scared that their investments could be Taken at the whim of the king or chief because they didn’t have a Deed or ___________ which showed proof of ownership.
The foreigners were reluctant or scared that their investments could be Taken at the whim of the king or chief because they didn’t have a ________ or Document which showed proof of ownership.
The foreigners were reluctant or scared that their investments could be ________________________________________________ because they didn’t have a Deed or Document which showed proof of ownership.
Taken at the whim of the king or chief
Hawaiians and foreigners had different perspective about what land meant to them. Foreigners saw land in terms of making Profits and making _________ off the land.
Foreigners known as American Businessmen were used to Buying, Selling, and __________ land.
Foreigners known as American Businessmen were used to Buying, ________, and Owning land.
Foreigners known as _______________________ were used to Buying, Owning, and Selling land.
American Businessmen
As Kamehameha won victory after victory, he Redistributed the land to people then owed him their __________ and their Labor
As Kamehameha won victory after victory, he __________________ the land to people then owed him their Loyalty and their Labor
Kamehameha II and III could have re-organized control of the lands, but they decided to keep things the way their dad had it to avoid causing Trouble or ___________.
Hawaiians and foreigners had different perspective about what land meant to them. Foreigners saw land in terms of making _________ and making Money off the land.
Kamehameha gained _________________ and he could do whatever he wanted with the land.
Absolute Power
Foreigners known as American Businessmen were used to __________, Selling, and Owning land.
As Kamehameha won victory after victory, he Redistributed the land to people then owed him their Loyalty and their ___________
Kamehameha III decided to abandon the traditional system of land control in favor of a __________ system of private land ownership.
Kamehameha II and III could have re-organized control of the lands, but they decided to keep things the way their dad had it to avoid causing __________ or Rebellion.
The King set aside lands for the known as _____________
Crown Lands