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European union

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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For what was EU awarded the Nobel Prize?
Nobel peace prize
Who is the President of EU Parliament? Country?
Roberta Metsola (Malta)
Who is the president of the EU Council? Country?
Charles Michel (Belgium)
Who is the president of EU Commission? From which country?
Ursula Von Der Leyen - Germany
Who is the Czech representative in the EU Commission?
Věra Jourová
What is the most visited city in EU?
What is the most visited country of EU?
What is the Erasmus programme?
University exchange programme, travelling and studyin programme
What countries are NOT in the Shengen Zone?
Republic of Ireland, Croatia...
When did Czech Republic join the EU?
What treaty was signed in 1995?
Shengen treaty
What treaty was signed in 1992?
Maastricht Treaty
What is the name of the French Foreign Minister, who “created” ECSC.
Robert Schuman
What was the Marshall’s plan?
A plan to help Europe financially after WWII – condition – all countries had to work together – not acceptable for communist countries​
What is the Shengen zone?
Citizens of member countries to travel within the zone freely without passing through passport and border control
Which 3 institutions of the EU are the most important?
The European Council, Comission and Parliament
What is the EU motto?
"United in diversity"
Who is the newest member of the European Union?
How do you pay in European Union?
Euro, Czech Crown, Polish Zloty, Croatian Kuna..
What are the symbols of the European Union?
flag, anthem, motto, passport, "euro"...
What is the capital city of EU?
"Brussels" (Belgium)
Why does the EU exist?
To preserve peace, provide free movement of goods and services, offer single market and standardized laws
Which members of the EU are the most significant? And why?
Germany, France, Italy = the ranking is established according to the number of seats in the European Parliament-
How many members are in the European Union?
What is the difference between “Europe” and “European Union”?
continent with 50 countries x political and economic union with 27 countries