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McIntosh & Goeldner (1990) listed four categories of what they term basic travel motivators, give 2 categories?
Physical, Cultural, Interpersonal, Status and prestige
list 2 of theoretic Approaches to Tourism Motivation?
Needs Based Approaches, Values, Based Approaches, Benefits Sought or Realised Approaches, Expectancy Based Approaches
List 3 of motivational push factors?
Educational ,otives, social motives, Fun and excitement, escape, relaxation
What is the difference between Wanderlust and Sunlust?
Define Pull and push factors in tourism? provide examples
Open answer
McIntosh & Goeldner (1990) list four categories of what they term basic travel motivators....
Physical, Cultural, Interpersonal, status and prestige
Awareness, interest, desire, action
An early classification of travel motivators was developed by Gray (1970) He suggested that there were only two classifications....
Wanderlust and Sunlust
Smith (1989) identifies 6 different typologies from an Explorer (Cohen’s explorer & Plog’s allocentric) to Charter (Cohen’s mass & Plog’s psychocentric)
Answer provided in the photo
What type of tourism do you think Allocentric travelers prefer?
Answer provided in the photo
What are the characteristics of Psychocentrics travelers?
Answer provided in the photo
What are the characteristics of Allocentrics travelers?
Answer provided in the attached photo
Plog (1979)developed a theory which classified tourists into 2.........?
Allocentrics and Psychocentrics
Define the organised mass tourist (Cohen's tourist typologies)
low on adventure he/she is anxious to maintain his/her ‘environmental bubble’ on the trip. Typically purchasing a ready made package tour off the shelf.
What are the 2 types of Non-Institutionalised Tourism?
The explorer and the drifter
Cohen's tourist typologies classified tourists into 2.............
Institutionalised Tourism and Non-Institutionalised Tourism
Why studying tourism typologies are important?
It can help understand the decision making process and motivations to choose a certain destination or activity linked to a personal need
"Typologies refers to the different types of tourist" True or false