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GRADE 2 Reading game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have got a small grey body and a long tail. I also have long whiskers. I am omnivores so I can eat both plants and meat. I live in a dirty place. Who am I?
I am a rat.
I have got a big stripy body and four strong legs. I also have got a big mouth with sharp teeth because I am carnivores. Therefore, I only eat meat. I can run fast to hunt other animals. You can see me in the zoo or in jungle. Who am I?
I am a tiger.
I have got four legs which can run fast and a long tail. I also have got a big body with stripes on it. I am herbivores so I can eat plants or grass. I live in Savannah, but you can see me in the zoo. I can run fast and kick you by my legs.
I am a zebra.
I have got a big body in grey but two small eyes. I also have got a short tail and two small ears. I like water so I usually lie in water. I am herbivores so I eat plants. You can see me in the zoo.
I am a hippo.
I have a long neck with yellow or orange spots on my body. I have got two small eyes and ears, but I have four long legs. I am herbivores so I only eat leaves or plants. You can see me in the zoo or Savannah. Who am I?
I am a giraffe.
I live in the rivers or ocean. I have fins so I can swim very well. I also have gill to breathe in the water. And the cats like to eat me. Who am I?
Iam a fish.