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Class 29 A2 - FL

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have a rest all day due to I don't work.
I have a rest all day because I don't work.
I don't drink milk so my lactose intolerance.
I don't drink milk due to/because of my lactose intolerance.
People want to be healthy due to they eat raw food.
People want to be healthy so/that’s why they eat raw food.
I don't eat chocolate that's why I want to be slim.
I don't eat chocolate because I want to be slim.
Tamara has a healthy lifestyle so her principles.
Tamara has a healthy lifestyle due to/because of her principles.
Mike doesn't do sport that's why he spends all day at work.
Mike doesn't do sport because why he spends all day at work.
I don't drink enough water because I'm always thirsty.
I don't drink enough water so/that’s why I'm always thirsty.
I can't lose weight because of I'm depressed.
I can't lose weight because I'm depressed.
I sleep well that's why my sleeping pills.
I sleep well due to/because of my sleeping pills.
I watch a lot of TV because I go to bed late.
I watch a lot of TV so/that’s why I go to bed late.
Tom has a lot of stress due to he smokes cigarettes.
Tom has a lot of stress that`s why he smokes cigarettes.
I don't eat junk food because of I'm on a diet
I don't eat junk food because I'm on a diet