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P100 Unit II Exam Review

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T/F: Patrol officers are the "backbone" of policing
T/F: A majority of people in the U.S. waive their Miranda rights & speak to police voluntarily
True, about 70-75% do
What does the 5th Amendment protect against?
What is an example of an exigent circumstance?
Cops believe that evidence may be destroyed, perps could get away, perps could have weapons/there is a present danger for the cops
What is a "hotspot" in terms of policing & the CJUS system?
An area with high levels of criminal activity & high risk of victimization is present
What position (during old English times) was the pre-cursor to the modern day sheriff?
Explain the difference between meat eaters & grass eaters
Meat: actively participate & seek out corruption. Grass: passively engage/take bribes
Which of the following allow for a legal search to take place? Probable cause, clear & convincing evidence, reasonable suspicion, reasonable doubt
Probable cause
What type of calls do cops believe present the greatest threat to their safety? Drug deals, dom. violence, traffic homicides, gangs
Domestic violence
What is the term that refers to the decisions & choices that officers can make on the job?
What is SARA & which type of policing uses it?
Scanning, analysis, response, assessment. Used in problem-oriented policing
What are the types of policing?
Community-or.: public wishes. Problem-or.: specific issue. Preventative. Zero-Tol.: cleaning up a specific area or community
Name the 3 roles of policing
Watchman: (neighbor) Legalistic: (soldier) Service: (teacher)
List the 4 policing personalities & what each of them focus on?
Enforcers: job-oriented, good cop. Realists: the grind. Idealists: individual rights, due process. Optimists: individual & public-oriented
What is the chain of command in regard to policing?
The line of authority that ranges from the line officers to the sheriff/chief or head supervisor
The legalistic style of policing views officers as:
The watchman style of policing views the officers as a:
The service style of policing views the officer as a:
A term describing coercive actions in regard to police use of control techniques & deadly force is called the ______ continuum.
Use of force continuum
August Vollmer first implemented the use of _____ to classify offenders & their crimes (Latin term)
Modus operandi
Why is the "knock & announce rule" sometimes not used? What are some of the exigent circumstances?
Threats to safety, think that evidence may be destroyed, think the perps might escape
T/F: Cops always have to use the "knock & announce rule
What is the "knock & announce" rule? Which Amendment does this fall under?
4th, cops have to make their presence known
T/F: Warrants can be based on a tip from a snitch or informant
Which cases held up the exclusionary rule at the state and federal levels? (2)
State: Mapp v. Ohio Federal: Weeks v. U.S.
What does the 4th Amendment say?
No unreasonable searches, expectation of privacy, warrant from 3rd party
T/F: Once a person is arrested, the police may lawfully search the person's car and house.
Cops can conduct a search if they have:
Probable cause
How much of a cop's time is spent on crime? 10, 20, 30, or 40%?
Which department is considered the legal arm of the criminal justice system?
Department of Justice
Which federal gov. agency keeps track of cops killed in action/on the job?
Try to list as many pros & cons on the chalkboard as you can
List may vary
What is a "Terry stop & frisk"? What case does this originate from?
Stopping & frisking an individual on the basis of color w/o probable cause; "Terry v. Ohio" (14th Amendment violation)
____ focuses on the enforcement of quality-of-life issues (type of policing)
Zero-tolerance policing
When officers stop, search, & detain individuals based on race, it is called:
(Terry) stop & frisk
Which case made the exclusionary rule apply to the states?
Mapp v. Ohio
If a cop enters a house and sees cocaine on the coffee table, he can seize it based on the ___ doctrine
Plain view doctrine
The right to an attorney is guaranteed by the _____Amendment
Describe what the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine states
Leads from illegally-obtained evidence cannot be used & is unconstitutional
Where are people allowed to have a reasonable expectation of privacy? Garbage, their home, cellphones, public restrooms
For a person to waive their Miranda rights, the waiver must be:
Intelligent & voluntary
T/F: The first private security operation was established by Allan Pinkerton in 1851, which specialized in railway security
T/F: Decentralization refers to the separation of federal, state, and local governments
What are a few instances in which a diverse police force is an effective tool?
Women: sexual assaults, children, violence against women; racial groups/LGBT: trust, language barriers
T/F: Officers are permitted to make arrests without the use of a warrant
T/F: When evidence is pulled from a 3rd party platform, like Facebook, needs to be Mirandized before it can be used in court proceedings
T/F: In order to draw a person's blood to test for drugs or BAC, there is no warrant needed
T/F: You do not need a warrant to search someone's trash
What is another term for racial profiling? (2)
Biased-based or race-based
What were considered the first organized police org. in the U.S.?
Slave patrols
In regard to fingerprinting, what do the following letters correspond to? L, W, & A
Loop Whorl Arch