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My Life

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say something about your weekend^^
Say something about your friend^^
What is Rina's favorite subject at school?
Korean subject
When is Charlene's birthday?
July 5th
When is Rina's birthday?
December 4th, 2011
Sing your favorite song. (highlight part)
Give 3 things in your bag.
What is Rina's hobby?
writing adventure stories
Use the word "relax" in a sentence.
I feel so relaxed when I'm listening to a song.
What is Rina's favorite fruit?
It's orange^^
What is Rina's favorite book?
체리새우: 비밀글입니다
What is Charlene's favorite song?
Don't call me by SHINee
What is Rina's favorite English song?
2002 by Anne-Marie
What is Rina's nickname?
Jina Secretya
What is Charlene's nickname?
What is Rina's favorite flavor of ice cream?
Mint choco ice cream
What is Shinee's fan name?
What is G-Idle's fan name?
What is Teacher's favorite K-drama?
Scarlet Heart
What kind of book does Rina want to write?
Adventure book!
Who is Rina's favorite youtuber?
What is Teacher Charlene's hobby?
She likes watching Korean drama and listening to music.
How many Pepero did Rina receive in Pepero day?
What is Teacher Charlene's favorite color?
It's purple.
Who is Rina's favorite K-pop idol?