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Past continuous and adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don’t understand this movie at all. It’s______. ( Romantic/ weird /annoying )
You can pay $17.50 for movie tickets in Los Angeles. That’s ________ !( expensive / annoying / awesome)
Johnny Depp is a really good actor. I think he’s____ ! (scary/ terrible/ awesome)
Use the right option: This movie is a comedy, but it’s not funny. It’s____.( awesome /boring)
Organize: Kate and Sam / Are / running / ?
Are Kate and Sam running?
Organize: on the phone / talking / Is / Paul / ?
Is Paul talking on the phone?
Organize: Kate / waiting / outside the movie theater / Is / ?
Is Kate waiting outside the movie theater ?
Present continuous: Who ___ _____ (run) down the street?
Who is running down the street?
Present continuous: It ___ ______ (rain) and it’s dark.
It is raining and it’s dark.
Present continuous: Paul is trying to call his friends, but they ___ _____. (not answer)
Paul is trying to call his friends, but they aren't answering.
Present continuous: What ___Mark and Paul ______(watch) at the movies?
What are Mark and Paul watching at the movies?
Present continuous: ____Lily _____ (make) an animation? Yes,_____ ____.
Is Lily making an animation? Yes,she is .
Present continuous: Daniel______ ____ (not eat) candy. He ___ _____(eat) popcorn.
Daniel isn't eating candy. He is eating popcorn.