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Aztec Review

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What is a tzompantli?
A skull rack
True or False: Tenochtitlan was a great, advanced civilization.
What was the biggest temple in Tenochtitlan where all religious ceremonies, including human sacrifices took place?
Templo Mayor
Tenochtitlan got its name after what?
A prickly pear cactus
How did the Aztecs travel through the canals?
How did the Aztecs keep the gods happy?
Human sacrifices
True or False: The Aztecs worshiped one God
How did the Aztecs show a system of tribute?
By taxes, usually in the form goods, not money
True or False: Tenochtitlan was NOT heavily populated?
The Aztecs regarded this animal, perched on a cactus with a serpent in its mouth, as a sign to build their great city?
What modern city was built on the site of Tenochtitlan?
Mexico City
Chinampas were built using what?
Who were most likely to be sacrificed?
Slaves/Prisoners of war
What was one way to pay tribute to the Emperor?
Human sacrifices/giving a human heart
True or False: The society of the Aztecs operated on a social class system?
True or False: All Aztec children were required by law to attend school?
What lake was the city of Tenochtitlan built on?
Lake Texcoco
When was the city of Tenochtitlan founded?
What characteristic of a civilization is shown in the Aztec Empire by maintaining and cleaning the aqueducts?
Economy/Job Specialization
How did the Aztecs have fresh water to drink?
What country did Hernan Cortes invade the Aztec Empire for?
Who conquered the Aztecs?
Hernan Cortes and the Conquistadors
A raised road that allowed the people to easily travel over the swampy and wet areas
Today, we use roads to travel from place to place. What did the Aztecs use?
What are the names for the floating gardens?
What is the capital of the Aztec Empire?