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P100 Chapter 7 Review
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What case regarded the fleeing felon rule & the defense of life rule?
"Tennessee v. Garner"
What is vicarious liability and how does it affect policing agencies?
Agencies are responsible if their employee does something wrong or unethical
T/F: All U.S. states have banned racial profiling in police work
T/F: 25% of law enforcement officers have considered suicide at some point due to the stress of everyday police work
T/F: Miranda warnings do not have to be read to a defendant in cases of public safety concerns
Searches can always take place in 4 situations:
1. Incident to arrest 2. Exigent circumstances 3. Hot pursuit 4. Cases when searches are deemed reasonable
T/F: Warrants can be obtained as a result of an informant tip or snitch
There are several exceptions to warrants - what are the 7 we discussed in class?
1. Plain View Doctrine 2. Open Fields 3. Abandoned property 4. Veh. w/ circumstances 5. Stop & frisk 6. Protective sweep 7. Consent
T/F: Searches conducted without a warrant are always illegal
Draw the 5 levels of police use of force on the board
1. Officer presence 2. Verbal 3. Soft techniques 4. Hard techniques 5. Deadly force
T/F: To be valid, the Miranda warnings must be stated verbatim (word for word)
T/F: 75% of individuals waive their right to remain silent & talk to police willingly
How many Miranda warnings are there? What are the Miranda warnings?
4 (right to remain silent, can be used against you, right to an attorney, can't afford, one will be appointed) (5) Do you understand/wish to speak to me?
T/F: Miranda rights do not have to be read to people who are arrested for misdemeanors
What case established Miranda rights? What Amendments is it concerned with?
"Miranda v. Arizona", 5th Amendment for self-incrimination & double-jeopardy, 6th Amendment makes sure an attorney is offered
What is the "knock & announce" rule?
Used when cops come to the door with a warrant for the inhabitant's arrest
List some of the things that the 4th Amendment states (4 main ones)
Based on probable cause, need a warrant from a neutral 3rd party, right to & reasonable expectation of privacy, no unreasonable search & seizures