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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the main action in the story "My first fire drill"
The bee stung Cecilia
What is Cecilia's favorite Disney movie? a. Aladdin b. Pocahantas c. Lion King
c. Lion King
What is Cecilia's kittens name?
What do most regular verbs end with?
Fill in the blank: Two years ago I _______ (run) a marathon in New York City. I _______ (win) a gold medal and one hundred dollars!
ran won
Fill in the blank: Last week I _______ (go) to Burger King and I _______ (eat) 3 huge burgers. Later, I _____ (have) a terrible stomach ache.
went ate had
Who are the main characters in the story Little Red Riding Hood
Little red riding hood, Grandma and big bad wolf
In a story, what is a setting?
The place, where a story takes place (time, season, age, etc)
In a story, what is the plot?
The plot is the main action (what happens) in the story.
Give one example of a negative
teacher checks answer
Give one example of an interrogative
teacher checks answer
Give one example of an affirmative
teacher checks response
When do we use the past simple? a. When we talk about a specific time in the past, where the action has started and finished in the past. b. When we talk about a time in the past, where the action has started and continues in the present.
a. When we talk about a specific time in the past, where the action has started and finished in the past.
What is the past simple of walk
What is the past simple of eat?
What is the past simple of to be?
What is the past simple of run?