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American Revolution Era

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a patriot?
Colonists who supported independence from England
What is a loyalist?
colonists who supported the British and the king during the American Revolution
What organizations circulated petitions and kept the colonies informed about British actions?
The committees of correspondence
What Englishmen's views did Jefferson borrow to include in the Declaration of Independence?
John Locke's views of natural rights
According to the Declaration of Independence when can the people rebel against the government?
When the government becomes destructive
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote the phrase "consent of the governed". What does it refer to?
That the power of the government comes from the people
What is a delegate?
a person chosen or elected to vote or act for others
What is a tyrant?
a cruel or unjust ruler who abuses their power (ex. King George III)
What is an unalienable right?
a natural right that you are born with that cannot be taken away
What is a grievance?
a complaint
What is the significance of the date July 4, 1776?
the 13 colonies announce their independence from England
Where did the Continental Army endure a difficult winter and received valuable training?
Valley Forge
Who was the king of England during the American Revolution?
George III
Who was the first person killed during the Boston Massacre?
Crispus Attucks
What treaty ended the American Revolution?
Treaty of Paris 1783
What were some of the causes of the American Revolution? Give at least 4
taxation without representation, Quartering Act, Proclamation Act, lack of representation in Parliament, Boston Massacre, mercantilism, Intolerable Acts,
What was the last battle of the American Revolution?
What was the First Continental Congress?
A meeting of the colonies in Philadelphia to discuss a response to the Intolerable Acts?
What is a militia?
an army of citizens who serve as soldiers in an emergency
What term did colonists use to refer to the British economic policies following the French and Indian war?
Taxation without representation
What is a boycott?
When you refuse to buy
Who was the French volunteer who helped the Continental Army?
Marquis de Lafayette
What is Abigail Adams remembered for?
She said "Remember the ladies" in a letter to her husband asking for women's rights
Who was the commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?
George Washington
Who wrote Common Sense and the Crisis?
Thomas Paine
What battle is known as the turning point because the American victory resulted in the formation of an alliance with France?
Who was the patriot speaker famous for giving the speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"?
Patrick Henry
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was Samuel Adams?
A patriot who was the leader and founder of the Sons of Liberty
What pamphlet persuaded colonists to support independence from England? Who wrote it?
Common Sense written by Thomas Paine
What were the first battles of the American Revolution?
Lexington & Concord
What act placed a tax on paint, lead, paper and tea?
Townshend Acts
What event occurred on March 5, 1770 and resulted in the death of 5 colonists including Crispus Attucks?
Boston Massacre
What act required colonists to house and feed British troops?
Quartering Act
What act placed a tax on sugar and molasses?
Sugar Act
What are the 3 unalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
How did England respond to the Boston Tea Party?
They issued the Coercive (Intolerable Acts)
What cause of the American Revolution is considered to be an example of civil disobedience?
Boston Tea Party
Why did England begin taxing the colonies?
To pay for the debt acquired from the French & Indian War
What is salutary neglect?
Policy by which England left the colonies alone to rule themselves
What did English law prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?
Proclamation Act of 1763