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Matter 4A

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is the machine that we use to measure the mass?
The scale
What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest particle of matter.
What machine do we use to compare mass?
Why do we use the balance?
We use the balance to compare the mass
what is density?
is the amount of matter in a unit of volume
What are the physical properties of matter?
Hardness,resistance and flexibility
What is one of the machines to measure mass?
scale / balance
What are the physical properties of matter?
They are hardness, resistance and flexibility.
what was the name of Africa 's thing?
A non newtonian fluid
What is the unit to measure the volume?
The unit to measure the volume is litres and cm3
What is Density?
Is the amount of mass that there is in one unit of volume.
What are the general properties of matter?
mass,volume and density
what is mass
is the amount off matter in an objet
What are the states of matter.
solid, liquid and gas
What are the three parts of an atom?
Is made of electrons,neutrons and protoms.
what is a atom
is the smallest building block of the world
What is matter?
Matter is everything that takes up space and has mass.