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Complete: __________________ involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people.
Atlantic slave trade.
When did the slavery end in Brazil? (year)
Correct the sentence: Indigenous and Portuguese were the main workforce used by the colonizers.
Africans were the main workforce used by the colonizers.
Besides the Inconfidencia Mineira, which other movements happened in Brazil? (Name them in English)
War of Emboabas and Revolt of the tailors.
Correct the sentence: French people invaded the south region of Brazil.
French people invaded the northeast region of Brazil.
Which cities did the British occupy in 1591?
São Vicente and Santos
Which Countries/people invaded Brazil besides Portugal?
Dutch (from Netherlands), British and French.
True or false: Dutch people invaded Brazil in 1624 and 1630.
What was the first capital of Brazil?
What important fact happened in Brazil in 1808?
The arrival of Royal Family.
True or false: In 1548 the King of Portugal established the first centralized government in Brazil.
What was the goal of the hereditary captaincies?
To populate and develop the country.
Complete the sentence: Brazil had __________ hereditary captaincies.
When was the first Brazil's Colonizing expedition organized?
What's the name of the city which Pedro Alvarez Cabral landed first in 1500?
Porto Seguro
Which part of the world belonged to Spain according to the Treaty of Tordesillas? (west/east)
The West side.
Which part of the world belonged to Portugal according to the Treaty of Tordesillas? (west/east)
The east side.