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Comparative and superlative adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The spider___ ____ ______________ (dangerous) _____ the snake.
is as dangerous as
The burger ____ ___ ____ _______ (healthy) ____ the salad.
is not as healthy as
There cat is ________________ (big) for the box. The box is ____ _____ (big)_______ for the cat.
too big; not big enough
My understanding of Geography is (deep) yours.
Kittens are (cute) calves.
cuter than
His second book is (bad) his first book.
worse than
This cafe serves (good) coffee in the city.
the best
This building is (modern) in my town.
the most modern
Football is (exciting) chess.
more exciting than
Dogs are (friendly) cats.
friedlier than
I think shopping is (boring) activity!
the most boring
Cars are (expensive) bikes.
more expensive than
This shopping bag is (bad) in the shop. It's too small and too expensive.
the worst
This supermarket is (good) that small shop.
better than
Cheetah is (fast) animal in the world.
the fastest
Jason (funny) student in my class.
the funniest
The giraffe is (tall) the elephant.
 taller than