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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the boy in situation 2 says"I'm all clean" what does his mom say?
She says "wonderful.
Did the boy remember or forget to wash between his toes?
He even remember to wash between his toes.
Do you prefer to take a shower or to take a bath?
I prefer to take a bath.
After you take a bath, are you clean or dirty?
I'm clean.
After working in the garden all day, will you be clean or dirty?
I'll be dirty.
Does bad fish smell good or does it stink?
It stinks.
What did Mary say about her brother's feet?
She said they stink.
Is the little boy jealous when his parents give all their attention to Ben?
Yes, he's jealous of Ben.
What does Ben's mom say to show she feels sorry he's sick?
Oh, poor little boy.
In Ben's opinion, how does the medicine taste?
It tastes horrible.
Did Ben take the medicine?
Yeah, he took the medicine.
If it rains all day tomorrow, will you stay home or will you go to beach?
I will stay home if t rains all day tomorrow.
If you study hard, will you pass all the subjects?
Yes, if I study hard I will pass all the subjects.
According to his mom, if Ben takes that medicine, will he feel better or will he feel worse?
He'll feel better.
According to his mom, what should Ben take to feel better?
He should take the medicine she's giving him.
Do you feel happy or sad today?
How do you feel today?
I feel ......
Ben's temperature was 103ºF.. Did he have a high fever?
Yes, he had a high fever.
What did Ben's mom get to check if he had a fever?
She got a thermometer to check if he had a fever.
What's wrong with Ben?
He doesn't feel well. He is sick. He has a high fever.
In situation 1, what's the little boy doing?
He's waking his dad up.