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Emotions and Coping
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Why does taking a deep breath calm you down?
it calms the adrenaline down.
When you flip your lid, what is happening in your brain.
Your amygdala is taking over.
Explain why you might have a hard time stopping to think when you're in the red zone.
You flip your lid.
Name two coping strategies that work for you.
answers will vary
What is the Amygdala part of your brain responsible for?
Explain how you're body might feel if you're in the Green Zone.
Calm, relaxed, ready
Explain how your body might feel if you're in the Red Zone.
hear racing, face red, tight face, clenched fist
What does the Prefrontal Cortex part of your brain help with?
Thinking and making good choices
Name a feeling in the Blue Zone.
Sad, Tired, Low Energy
Name a feeling in the Green Zone.
happy, calm