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SOC 4th Grade Rivers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Clean the streets with _____ water.
Collect _____ to water plants.
What should you do when brushing your teeth?
turn off the tap
When should you run the dishwasher?
only when it is fully loaded
We need to adopt water__________ measures.
What are the names of the rivers in the East?
Júcar, Turia or Llobregat
The rivers in the _____ have their source in the Penibaetic mountain ranges.
Rivers in ______ are short and have a stable regime.
Why are the rivers that flow into the Cantabrian Sea short?
Because their source is in mountains near the sea
What is the regime?
the variation of the discharge throughout the year
What is the length of a river?
the distance between the source and the mouth
What is the discharge of a river?
the amount of water passing through a river at a specific place and time
What are the characteristics of a river?
the length, the discharge, the regime
What is the mouth of a river?
where the river ends
What is the course of a river?
the path of a river
What is the source of a river?
where a river beings
What are the three elements of a river?
the source, the course, the mouth
River run through ______ and plains.
Where do rivers begin?
In the mountains
What is a continuous stream of fresh water formed by rainwater or melted snow?
a river