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5th grade NS U1 Vertebrates and the Plant kingdo ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens in plant respiration?
Plants take in oxygen to use the carbohydrates and obtain energy.
What makes up the phloem sap?
Water and carbohydrates
What do the roots of a plant absorb?
Water and mineral salts
Where is chlorophyll found?
In leaves
What type of nutrition do plants exhibit?
Autotrophic nutrition
How do mosses and ferns reproduce?
Through spores
What type of plant has tissues but no roots, leaves or flowers?
Where is the seed in an angiosperm?
Inside the fruit
What are the two types of seed plants?
Gymnosperms and angiosperms
What are the two types of seedless plants?
Mosses and ferns
In most plants the tissues form organs such as leaves, roots, _____, and vessels.
What includes multicellular living things that have tissues and exhibit autotrophic nutrition?
The Plantae Kingdom
Where do mammals get their oxygen from?
The air
What type of vertebrates are humans?
What type of vertebrate is a bat?
A mammal
Are birds oviparous or viviparous?
What type of vertebrate is covered in feathers?
Where do amphibians live?
They live on land but must be close to water.
Is a turtle a vertebrate or invertebrate?
A vertebrate
What is a fish's body covered in?
Where do fish get their oxygen?
From water
How many limbs do vertebrates have?
They have 4 limbs
Are humans invertebrates or vertebrates?
What do vertebrates have?
An internal skeleton with a vertebral column.