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Friday Afternoon Quiz 14-08-20

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many minutes between these times? 7.22 and 8.15
53 minutes
If I travelled in a car at 45kmph, how long would it take me to travel 90 kilometres?
2 hours - 45x2=90
What day of the week was 26/05/20
What do we call the time it takes the earth to go around the sun once? A day, a month or a year?
A year
The time is now 3.45 and Panha's movie starts in 20 minutes. What time does Panha's movie start?
How many days does March have?
Which months have 28 days?
All of them.
How many seconds between these times? 12:06:34 and 12:07:05
31 seconds
How many seconds in one day?
An electronic clock that shows the time as only numbers is a digital clock. What do we call clocks that show the time using hands?
What do we call it when an animal sleeps for the whole winter?
Name an animal apart from a bird that has feathers.
Only birds have feathers.
Name either a land animal or aquatic animal that doesn't need oxygen.
The only animals that don't need oxygen are dead ones.
What does blubber do? Help the animals float on water or help them to dive down deep where there ae more fish to eat?
Blubber is fat and its found on aquatic animals who need to breathe normal air. So it helps the stay afloat.
Which animal has a more streamlined body? Whale or squirrel?
Where do penguins live? Arctic or Antarctic?
Why has a penguin adapted itself to swim in the sea rather than fly in the sky?
There is more food in the sea in the arctic.
What has a hummingbird adapted to make it easier for it to feed?
It has made its beak longer so it can reach nectar (sugar) deep inside the flower
What word is similar to the word 'adaptation' but begins with 'e'?
Evolution / Evolve