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J1 Review Unit 1-3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Parrots fly in the forest. (usually)
Parrots usually fly in the forest.
He sits in front of the TV in the afternoon. (never)
He never sits in front of the TV in the afternoon.
The cat sleeps on my sister's bed. (usually)
The cat usually sleeps on my sister's bed.
Bears swim in lakes. (often)
Bears often swim in lakes.
I walk to school (not often)
I don't often walk to school.
Whales are big (not always)
Whales aren't always big
What time do/does the school bus leave?
Do/Does your parent help you with your own homework?
What time do/does your guitar lesson start?
Do/Does your brother have swimming lessons?
What time do/does you get up in the morning?
Do/Does your big brother go to your school?
In the afternoon, I ... the drums.
In the evening, Bianca ... dinner at 8:00pm. (not have)
doesn't have
My uncle ... a shower in the morning. (not have)
doesn't have
there/ be/ pictures/ in their kitchen
There are pictures in their kitchen.
we/ have got/ dining room/ in our house (negative)
We haven't got a dining room in our house.
I _______ computer games in my bedroom.
we/have got/dining room/our house (negative)
We haven't got a dining room in our house.
walls/ got/ has/ my/ yellow/ room
My room has got yellow walls.
house/ in/ bedrooms/ are/ there/ three/ our (negative)
There aren't three bedrooms in our house.
have/ you/ phone/ Charlie's/ number/ got?
Have you got Charlie's phone number?
My cousin ... (not go) to school.
doesn't go
My teacher ... (not like) people talking in the class.
doesn't like
We ... (not play) the drums early in the morning.
don't play
I ... (not have) lunch at school.
don't have
School ... (not start) at eight o'clock in Britain.
doesn't start
There ... a cat on the floor. (not be)
There isn't a cat on the floor.
I always ... on my phone.
I always go on my phone.
There ... some students in front of the teacher. (be)
I'm late for school. (never)
I'm never late for school.