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6th grade - How much do we know about Britain?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do British people speak so much about the weather?
Because the weather in the country is very changeable.
What is Poets’ Corner and in what London Church can it be found?
Poets’ Corner is situated in Westminster Abbey. In this part of the Abbey many great writers are buried there, Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling among them.
How often can people hear the sound of Big Ben?
They can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London.
Where does the Queen live?
The Queen lives in her residences; one of them is Buckingham Palace.
What place in London is believed to be its geographical centre?
Trafalgar square is believed to be a geographical centre of London.
Why do Londoners keep black ravens in the Tower of London?
Because they believe that the Tower will stand only so long as the ravens are there.
What did the Tower of London use to be and what is it now?
The Tower of London used to be a fortress, a prison, a zoo and a royal residence. Now it is a museum of armour.
What parts does the Parliament consist of?
I consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Who makes laws in Britain?
the Parliament (the House of Commons)
Who does the power in the country belong to?
It belongs to the British Parliament and the British Government.
What is the Commonwealth? When was in founded?
The Commonwealth is an organization of about 50 independent states. They are Britain and its former colonies. It was founded in 1949.
The people who were born in Britain are English, aren't they?
No, they aren't. They are British.
What do we call the narrowest part of the English Channel?
the Strait of Dover
What countries does the UK include?
It includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
What parts does Great Britain consist of?
It consists of England, Scotland and Wales.
When was the Great Fire of London? (year)
in 1666
Where did the Great Fire of London start?
It started in the house of the king's baker, near London Bridge.
What part of the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror?
the White Tower
When did William the Conqueror come to England from Normandy?
He came in 1066.
When did the Romans leave Britain?
They left soon after the year 400.
What was the original name of the British capital?
It was called Londinium.
When did the Romans come to England for the first time? (century)
They came in the 1st century BC.