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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I’m kept in a stable. People take my milk and drink it. Who am I?
a cow
I live in the sea. Most people are afraid of me, because I have lots of very sharp teeth. Who am I?
a shark
My fur is reddish brown. I look like a dog, but I live in the woods. Who am I?
a fox
I can fly and I make honey. Who am I?
a bee
I’m a very big black (silvery) animal and I eat bananas. Who am I?
a gorilla
I’m a quite big animal. I like to eat honey. Who am I?
a bear
I’m a very dangerous animal with big teeth. I live in rivers. I kill cows when they drink water from the river. Who am I?
a crocodile
I’m green and I live in water and on land. Who am I?
a frog
I can climb trees very fast. I’m usually loud and noisy. Who am I?
a monkey
I’m a cute pet with big cheeks. I like to eat vegetables. Who am I?
a hamster
I’m a pet and I eat carrots, salad and hay. I’ve got long ears. Who am I?
a rabbit
I’m a small horse and I children love to ride on my back. Who am I?
a pony
I’m a very big animal which lives in rivers. I’ve got big teeth, but I’m a plant-eater. Who am I?
a hippo
I can fly. I catch and eat fish with my big beak. Who am I?
a pelican
I’m a small animal with eight legs. Who am I?
a spider
I’m a very big cat and there are stripes in my fur. Who am I?
a tiger
I live in sea-water. I walk sidewards. Who am I?
a crab
I’ve got no legs. Some people are afraid of me. Who am I?
a snake
My fur is reddish brown. I can jump from tree to tree. Who am I?
a squirrel
I live in Africa. I’m very, very tall. I’ve got a long neck. Who am I?
a giraffe
I live in Africa. I’m a very big cat with a mane on my head. Who am I?
a lion