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3º U2 Grammar
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Has it got teeth?Has it got legs?Has it got scales?Has it got fur?
Describe the animal (-)
It hasn´t got scales. It hasn´t got legs. It hasn´t got teeth.
Describe the animal (+)
It has got a tail. It has got teeth. It has got fur. It has got four legs.
Guess the animal: It isn´t dangerous. It is black and white. It has got two legs. It has got a beak.
Guess the animal: It is dangerous. It has got a long body. It hasn´t got legs. It is a reptile. It has got scales.
Guess the animal: It is grey. It has got big ears. It is a mammal. It has got a trunk.
Describe the dog with negative (-) sentences
It hasn´t got scales. It hasn´t got feathers. It isn´t a reptile...
Describe this animal with affirmative (+) sentences
It has got feathes. It has got a beak. It lays eggs.
A fox is a mammal
Has a snake got ears?
No, it hasn´t.
Has a parrot got fur?
No, it hasn´t.
Order the words.
It hasn´t got fur.
Order the words
It has got a very long tail.
What animal is it?
It is a giraffe.
What animal is it?
It is a peacock.
What animal is it?
It is a dolphin.
+ (ears)
It has got ears.
Has it got teeth?
It hasn´t got a beak
It has got feathers
Has it got four legs?
It hasn´t got fur
It has got scales