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KIDS 6B - A Cold Place

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Percy Jackson is a great book ...
isn't it?
He isn't a very good student ...
is he?
You aren't coming ...
are you?
Beka is a nurse ...
isn't she?
We aren't late ...
are we?
They are not Brazilians ...
are they?
Your dad is 40 years old ...
isn't he?
Christmas is the best time of the year ...
isn't it?
You aren't going to kill me ...
are you?
Lucy is angry ...
isn't she?
A circular house made of blocks of hard snow.
A type of glove with a single part for all the fingers and a separate part for the thumb.
An object used for travelling over snow and ice with long strips of wood or metal under it instead of wheels.
A bear with white fur that lives in the Arctic.
Polar bear
A large AREA of ice floating in the sea.
Ice floe
A mammal that eats fish and lives partly in the sea and partly on land or ice.
A very large MASS of ice that floats in the sea.
Coloured lights that are sometimes seen in the night sky in the most northern parts of the world.
Northern Lights