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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The first woman aviator to cross the atlantic by plane dissapeared while attempting to circumnavigate the globe. What was her name?
Amelia Earhart
What country is this?
Who was looking for P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?
Marlin, Nemo's father in Finding Nemo
Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast are all Maiar in the Lord of the rings. Name 1 more.
Balrogs. Sauron. Those eagles.
What does TESOL stand for?
To Enlgish to Speakers of Other Languages
Using the draw function, circle all the legal moves, and only the legal moves, of the d5 pawn.
c6, d6
STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure. How many degrees C and atmospheres of pressure is STP?
0 degress celcius and 1 atmosphere of pressure
How many times bigger is the US than South Africa?
around 8
Which American state is represented be the code: AK
The Beatles have famously held the record for most albums sold for decades, with Elvis Presley in 3rd. But who is 2nd?
Garth Brooks
Name 1 fast food chain from the Simpsons (that doesn't exist in real life)
Krusty Burger, Lard Lad Donuts, ...
What is the name of this famous 2000s comic book series?
Cyanide and Happiness
Who wrote this song?
Erik Satie
What are the two sisters name from Frozen?
Elsa and Anna
Name 1 cheat in the Sims to get money.
Motherlode, Rosebud, Money
How can white get Checkmate?
Queen to f7
What is cryophobia?
The fear of cold.
Who is Marshall Mathers?