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Adjectives to Describe Cartoon Characters
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Which adjectives would you use to describe Simon's cat?
White, funny, cute
Which adjectives would you use to describe Olaf the snowman?
Cold, friendly, snowy
Which adjectives would you use to describe Buzz Lightyear?
Cool, fast, confident
Which adjectives would you use to describe Iron Man?
Heroic, rich, strong
Which adjectives would you use to describe Bruce the shark?
Big, scary, terrifying
Which adjectives would you use to describe Nemo?
orange, small, cute
Which adjectives would you use to describe Mike Wazowski?
Green, small, funny
Which adjectives would you use to describe Scooby Doo?
Funny, hungry, friendly
Which adjectives would you use to describe Pikachu?
Cute, yellow, small
Which adjectives would you use to describe Mr Krabbs?
Greedy, scary, rich
Which adjectives would you use to describe Squidward Tentacles?
Grumpy, green, sad
Which adjectives would you use to describe Homer Simpson?
Greedy, funny, yellow
Which adjectives would you use to describe Spiderman?
fast, agile, cool
Which adjectives would you use to describe Patrick Star?
funny, stupid, silly
Which adjectives would you use to describe Batman?
Dark, mysterious, heroic
Which adjectives would you use to describe Jerry the mouse?
cute, funny, mischievous
Which adjectives would you use to describe Tom the cat?
silly, playful
Which adjectives would you use to describe Spongebob Squarepants?
Yellow, silly, funny
Which adjectives would you use to describe the Hulk?
Angry, green, big