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Animal Farm

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What's the name of the revolution song?
Beasts of England
Who taught the animals to read and write?
The name of the battle after the rebellion
The Battle of the Cowshed
This character is Napoleon's personal assistant
The name of the pig who started the revolution
Old Major
What project did Napoleon initially oppose but later adopt?
True or False: Snowball returns to rescue Animal Farm!
False. He was not seen again
At the end of the book, Napoleon declared himself as...(position)
In Chapter 10, "Animal Farm" had a new name which is...
Manor Farm
Who do the dogs represent in the Russian Revolution?
. Name the place where Moses said the animals would go when they died?
Sugarcandy Mountain
What was Boxer’s motto?
I will work harder
Who was Animal Farm’s official poet?
Who was the horse who left the farm after the rebellion?
Which animal did not attend the meeting that old Major called to tell of his dream?
Moses the Raven