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Water Cycle

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is snow the one example of precipitation?
The Sun provides the energy for condensation in water cycle process. (T/F)
False. The Sun provides the energy for evaporation in water cycle process.
Which two processes result in the formation of clouds from water on the Earth?
Evaporation and condensation
What is erosion?
Erosion is a change of the Earth's surface when the soil is carried away by the rain.
How does rain can cool the air on Earth?
Rain that falls from the sky has a lower temperature than the air around us
Why the water from the seas and oceans is not suitable for living things to take in or use?
It is contain too much salt
Water falling to the Earth's surface from the atmosphere is called ___________.
Water changing from a gas to a liquid is called ____________.
What is the percentage of water on the Earth's surface?
around 70%
What causes the water from the Earth's surface to evaporate?
Water change from a liquid to a gas is called ____________.
____________ is the continuous movement of water from the Earth.
Water cycle