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Cultural Diversity

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How can understanding the demographics of your local area help you as a healthcare professional?
It can help you identify the type of diversity you may encounter most often.
4 steps of service recovery
Apologize. Acknowledge the patient's feelings. Offer alternatives. Make amends.
Many facilities have a ________________ which allows them to look for trends in customer dissatisfaction to continually improve their customer service.
service recovery log
The responsive action used to restore customer satisfaction to strongly dissatisfied customers.
Service recovery
What should you do if a patient complains to you? (5 listed)
Don't stand over the patient. Ask clarifying questions. See it from the patient's pov (don't get defensive). Say you will attempt to solve the issue. Apologize.
70% of patients who make a complaint will return if _________________________.
the complaint is handled and resolved properly
What can you do to help make sure that your patients have a good experience? (5 listed)
Smile. Speak warmly and with compassion. Speak professionally and use the patient's name. Never tell your patients your personal problems. Focus on the patient.
When a patient's feeling of anxiety in a medical environment is abnormally high. 20% of the population suffers from this.
White coat syndrome
If a patient's expectations are not met, they are likely to _________________.
seek another provider for care
___________________ are responsible for the satisfaction of patients.
Healthcare professionals
The healthcare market is competitive, and your patients are your _________________.
Name one method that can help to improve linguistic competence in the healthcare environment.
The use of interpreters/translators
When an individual in the United States has limited English proficiency (LEP), the lack of linguistic competency is often a barrier to these 2 things.
The ability to access health information and healthcare; the ability to follow instructions for treatment from doctors after discharge.
The ability of the healthcare system to effectively deliver language-appropriate healthcare to patients in the United States who speak limited or no English.
Linguistic competency
Name some strategies used to improve culturally-competent care. (3 main ideas listed)
Providing/participating in relevant training; providing brochures in the language spoken; encouraging healthy eating involving preferred foods.
A lack of culturally-competent care can make patients from other cultures _____________ of seeking healthcare. (1 word)
Cultural competent care involves _________________. (2 main ideas listed)
increasing sensitivity, understanding, and empathy; an active process of learning and developing skills to interact with diverse patients
Refers to a set of behaviors, attitudes, and policies of healthcare professionals that enable them to better work with patients from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups.
Cultural competency
This can make a huge difference in the outcome of the hospital or clinic visit for medical treatment if a patient does not speak or understand English.
The responsibility for improving health literacy lies with _________________ & ___________________.
healthcare professionals and the healthcare system
People with limited health literacy are more likely to _________________. (3 listed).
have poorly controlled chronic health conditions, not have regular exams to catch problems early, end up re-admitted to the hospital multiple times
A lack of health literacy affect a patient's ability to _______________. (4 listed)
navigate the healthcare system, complete forms, locate healthcare services, and share information with their healthcare providers
The degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand health information and services in order to make appropriate health decisions.
Health literacy
Improving effective health communication with all patients is important to reducing health disparities and increasing health equity. Patients' abilities to understand the health information they receive is impacted by these 3 things.
Health literacy, cultural competency, linguistic competency
The goal of public health is to INCREASE health ___________ and DECREASE health _____________.
increase health equity; decrease health disparities
What does health equity ensure?
Everyone has the same access to healthcare and quality of health.
______________ means that access to doctors, medications, and care is offered in a fair and just manner to everyone.
______________ is when everyone receives the same treatment or medication.
Instead of health disparities, the term health _____________ is used more often worldwide.
Preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations.
Health disparities (a US term)
Name the 4 steps to building trust.
Demonstrate empathy; show respect; be genuine; listen actively.
___________________ is one of the most important approaches for bridging cultural barriers.
Building trust
Believe illness is a result of karma. Medications acceptable in times of pain, as long as they do not affect the state of mind. No restrictions on receiving blood, surgical procedures, organ donation, or autopsy. Believe in reincarnation.
May refuse medical interventions such as medicine, surgical procedures, and blood transfusions. Teaches a reliance on God for healing. Often fearful of being forced to accept unwanted treatments which violate their beliefs.
Christian Science
Many use modern medical services, but others use alternative medicines. Follow home remedies, and other methods of natural healing. Less likely to seek medical attention for minor aches or illnesses. Vaccinations are not widely accepted.
The largest non-government provider of healthcare services in the world. The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual strength near the time of death. Sacraments and blessings by a priest are important.
Roman Catholic
Required to eat kosher food. Medical procedures should not be scheduled during Sabbath or religious holidays. Encourage blood donation and allow blood transfusions. Engage in death rituals, traditionally carried out by the rabbi.
Prohibited from receiving blood or blood products, even in medical emergencies. The vast majority of medical treatments are acceptable. Organ donation and transplant allowed, but often only components not affected by blood flow.
Jehovah's Witness
May face Mecca at 5 set times a day to pray to Allah. May hesitate to express the need for pain management. Organ donation acceptable; autopsy permitted only for medical or legal reasons.
Believe in reincarnation; death is a crucial transition. A number of ceremonies accompany pregnancy & childbirth. May express strong concerns about modesty. Often strictly vegetarian. Washing with running water is important.
Even if there are cultural differences, the healthcare provider should never assume. They should simply carry out these 3 tasks.
Explain the treatment, why the doctor is recommending it, and ask the patient if they have any questions.
What might patients want to supplement prescribed treatment with?
Their own culturally-accepted methods.
The patient has the right to ____________________.
refuse treatment
A patient's culture or religion may have an effect on their medical treatment. What type of cultural/religious differences are often most evident/discussed in healthcare? (9 listed)
diet, medicine, modesty, family planning, birth, organ transplants, blood transfusions, care for the dying, death
People are a unique blend of the diversity from within their culture and an accumulation of _____________________.
personal experiences
When generalizations are automatically applied to every member of a group, or making generalizations about a group based on the behavior of a few.
How can generalizations be used (for good)?
They can be used as a guide for studying and understanding culture.
A _________________ is made by looking at the majority of people in a cultural group and using their societal norms to make a broad statement about the group's behavior.
Treating patients differently because of their weight and/or assuming a patient with broken English is uneducated are examples of ________________.
personal bias
Even the most enlightened, intelligent, and caring professionals have some personal biases, even if they are completely ________________.
Allowing your own feeling about a particular person or thing affect your actions or decisions.
Personal bias
The statistical data of the population in a specific area.
How is the data collected from the U.S. Census used?
To inform many federal programs and policy decisions, including healthcare.
An official count of the population collected by the United States government every 10 years.
US Census
How does properly handling cultural diversity significantly affect our patients? (2 main ideas listed)
It affects how patients respond to medical services and interventions and the type of quality care that patients receive.
The concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of PHYSICAL characteristics.
This relates to a person's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
Socioeconomic status
What does cultural diversity include? (10 listed)
Race, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, place of residence, disability, health status, sexual orientation, age, geographic origin
The cultural differences and variety that exist in the world, a society, or an institution.
Cultural diversity
Explain the Iceberg Analogy of Culture.
Some aspects of culture are easy to see, above the surface. However, there is a much larger portion of culture, hidden beneath the surface.
What does culture affect? (3 main ideas listed)
Our BEHAVIOR (how we think, act, and feel); SOCIAL SKILLS (how we communicate/interact with others); HEALTHCARE (opinions on pain, medicine, health, etc.)
What does culture include? (5 listed)
Language, customs, values, art, social norms, etc.
The system of shared beliefs that are common among a group of people.