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Section 1: Caleb's Story

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you cook the soup, you should ________ it a bit so that all the ingredients mix well together. a. tug b. fling c. stir
C. stir
He was deaf so he could __________ hear the sound. a. faintly b. particularly c. sternly
a. Faintly
They are _______ the rope. a. flinging b. tugging c. stirring
b. Tugging
What do you call this weather?
What do you call this weather?
Name the two sisters of Caleb?
Anna and Cassie
True/False: John was a talkative man who asked many questions
False. He was very reserved and quiet
What did Anna ask Caleb to do before she left home?
to write the journal for her
TRUE/FALSE: Anna believed that everyone could write
Who was John, the mysterious man who showed up at the barn ?
Caleb's grandfather (Jacob's dad)
TRUE/FALSE: The mysterious man was a robber
Why was Jacob surprised to see John again?
He thought that John was dead
True/False: Jacob was at home when John came to the house
False. He took Anna to town for school
What is the name of Jacob's cat?
Why does Anna not live with the family on the farm?
Because she is working for a doctor in town.
Who is Anna?
Jacob's older sister
True/False: Sarah was Jacob's real mom
False. Sarah was Jacob's stepmom. His real mom already passed away.