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Phonics Test 10

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Decide if the sentence is D (declarative), E (exclamatory), or I (interrogative) and choose the right punctuation mark: I love apples
E / !
Decide if the sentence is D (declarative), E (exclamatory), or I (interrogative) and choose the right punctuation mark: Tart apples make good pies
D / .
Decide if the sentence is D (declarative), E (exclamatory), or I (interrogative) and choose the right punctuation mark: Some apples are sweet and crispy
D / .
Decide if the sentence is D (declarative), E (exclamatory), or I (interrogative) and choose the right punctuation mark: Have you ever picked apples
I/ ?
Add suffixes to make new words: pack + ed
Add suffixes to make new words: eat + ing
Add suffixes to make new words: slide + ing
sliding (drop silent e before adding -ing)
Add suffixes to make new words: hot + est
hottest (when a word ends in short vowel consonant, double the last letter before adding a suffix with a vowel)
Write the word using the clues: sh in ship, or in sailor, t
Write the word using the clues: t, all in ball, er in bigger
Write the special sound in the word: phone
Write the special sound in the word: steak
Write the special sound in the word: obey
Write the special sound in the word: brownie
Write the special sound in the word: giant
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: sputter
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: quacking
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: smelly
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: squinting
Write the blend. Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: scrape