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Food and drinks

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence: I don't want ___ celery in the salad. Let's put ____ apples in it.
Complete the sentence: We have ____ chicken at home.
Complete the sentence: We don't have ___ cheese.
Complete the sentence: Do we have ___ bread?
Complete the sentence: Let's get ____ lettuce and ____ tomatoes
Complete the sentence: Do we need ___ lettuce for the sandwiches?
What do you usually have for dinner?
Usually, I have...
What do you usually have for lunch?
I usually have...
What do you usually have for breakfast?
For breakfast, I usually have...
It's not healthy to eat a lot of
fat and oils
To be healthy you should eat a lot of...
fruits, vegetables and grains
Name a kind of grains
rice, noodles, cereal, pasta, bread, crackers
Name a VEGETAL protein
beans, nuts, lentils
Name a protein that comes from an ANIMAL
meat, chicken, beef, steak, fish, egg
Name a kind of dairy
milk, yogurt, cheese
Name a vegetable
broccoli, potato, carrots, lettuce, onions, celery, spinach
Name a fruit
strawberry, banana, apple, blueberry, pineapple, orange, grape