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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They are harvesting a lot of watermelons. A lot of watermelons...
A lot of watermelons are being harvested.
Everyone believes that we smuggled TVs from Chile. We .... / It...
We are believed to have smuggled TVs from Chile. / It is believed that we smuggled TVs from Chile.
Everyone thought that Santi mugged Vicky. Santi.... / It...
Santi was thought to have mugged Vicky. / It is thought that Santi robbed Vicky.
It's important that someone checks your blood pressure. It's important that you...
It's important that you have your blood pressure checked.
People say that this news channel is biased. It...
It is said that this news channel is biased.
Somebody could paint Marta's house. Marta...
Marta could have her house painted.
Doctors have claimed that having a sedentary lifestyle is horrible for you. Having a sedentary lifestyle....
Having a sedentary lifestyle has been claimed to be horrible for you.
The vandals will not vandalize the walls with graffiti. The walls...
The walls won't be vandalized with graffiti.
They have stolen the Hope Diamond! The Hope Diamond...
The Hope Diamond has been stolen!
The burglars broke into the house. The house....
The house was broken into.