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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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John recently became the new football manager. (TAKEN) Recently, John ....................... of the new football manager.
has taken up the job
We paid someone we knew to make these fancy chairs. (HAD) We .................... by someone we knew.
had these fancy chairs made
"Don't touch the fresh paint", he told me. (WARNED) He ........................ the fresh paint.
warned me not to touch
We had to stop because there was no petrol left in the car. (RAN) We had to stop because ..................... petrol.
we ran out of
Our fan club gave us a small amount of money (LITTLE) We .................... from our fan club.
were given (a) little money
Will they let us take photos at the concert? (ALLOWED) Will ................. photos at the concert?
we be allowed to take
People in this factory produce many different things. (ARE) Many different things ...................... this factory.
are produced at
A week from now, I'll be on a plane to New York. (FLYING) This time next week, I ................. to New York.
will be flying
'll call you the minute I arrive at the airport. (SOON) I'll call you ...................... at the airport.
as soon as I arrive
When I was little, I was often scared at night. (USED) I ................ at night when I was little.
used to be scared
Jack is so arrogant I can't stand him. (SUCH) I can't stand Jack because he's ............... person.
such an arrogant
Her brother sings better than she does. (AS) She ...................... her brother.
doesn't sing as well as